A varied selection of photos taken over many years.
01 The rings of gold that started an early 1980s revolution in the economy sector of the UKs motorcycle tyre market
02 The rings of gold that started an early 1980s revolution in the economy sector of the UKs motorcycle tyre market
03 The wheels to travel at twenty-four months
04 And my twenty-four year old aspirations to keep them heading down that road
05 Something to call my own - the idea I carried around in my head for a number of years which I eventually patented and brought to market in the late 1980s
06 Something to call my own - the idea I carried around in my head for a number of years which I eventually patented and brought to market in the late 1980s
07 Something to call my own - the idea I carried around in my head for a number of years which I eventually patented and brought to market in the late 1980s
08 Standing tall at the launch of the heavy machine tool business that later had me orbiting the earth for a decade
09 My hoard of unopened airline sachets gathered up from those inaugural flights - only the unforeseen repetition of carriers thwarted my plans for its expansion
10 The bandsaw era that inexorably hacked through the years I tried to spend at home with the family
11 The bandsaw era that inexorably hacked through the years I tried to spend at home with the family
12 The bandsaw era that inexorably hacked through the years I tried to spend at home with the family
13 The sweet business that in the end became too sour to savour
14 The sweet business that in the end became too sour to savour
15 The sweet business that in the end became too sour to savour
16 - My second wife Natasha to whom for all the harmonious inspiration she has given me I will always owe so much
17 Kitchen table dreams and the ever present mobile phone being managed by my daughter Charlotte
18 A small scale model for a new design of vertical boring and turning machine -
19 - which I went about making one weekend at home in my garage and largely gave me the concept that led to me manufacfuring the worlds first machine of its kind
20 Concept drawing
21 The machines in production
25 A day out on my friends yacht heading for Cowes on the Isle of Wight in 2010
26 My fiery ill disciplined passion for the electric guitar - still going strong after all the thousands of hours I have been playing
28 - My friend Tony relaxing after a long day programming one of the Karussell machines in Thailand
30 The 152 Km long river Aterno near Acciano
31 and my book Beyond The Aterno published by Olympia Publishers London to whom I am profoundly grateful